Locale la


class faker.providers.lorem.la.Provider(generator)

Bases: faker.providers.lorem.Provider

paragraph(nb_sentences=3, variable_nb_sentences=True, ext_word_list=None)
Returns:A single paragraph. For example: ‘Sapiente sunt omnis. Ut pariatur ad autem ducimus et. Voluptas rem voluptas sint modi dolorem amet.’

Keyword arguments: :param nb_sentences: around how many sentences the paragraph should contain :param variable_nb_sentences: set to false if you want exactly nb

sentences returned, otherwise the result may include a number of sentences of nb +/-40% (with a minimum of 1)
Parameters:ext_word_list – a list of words you would like to have instead of ‘Lorem ipsum’.
Return type:str
paragraphs(nb=3, ext_word_list=None)

Generate an array of paragraphs :example [paragraph1, paragraph2, paragraph3] :param nb: how many paragraphs to return :param ext_word_list: a list of words you would like to have instead of

‘Lorem ipsum’.
Return type:list
sentence(nb_words=6, variable_nb_words=True, ext_word_list=None)

Generate a random sentence :example ‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.’

  • nb_words – around how many words the sentence should contain
  • variable_nb_words – set to false if you want exactly nb words returned, otherwise the result may include a number of words of nb +/-40% (with a minimum of 1)
  • ext_word_list – a list of words you would like to have instead of ‘Lorem ipsum’.
Return type:


sentences(nb=3, ext_word_list=None)

Generate an array of sentences :example [‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.’, ‘Consectetur adipisicing eli.’]

Keyword arguments: :param nb: how many sentences to return :param ext_word_list: a list of words you would like to have instead of

‘Lorem ipsum’.
Return type:list
text(max_nb_chars=200, ext_word_list=None)

Generate a text string. Depending on the ``max_nb_chars, returns a string made of words, sentences, or paragraphs. :example ‘Sapiente sunt omnis. Ut pariatur ad autem ducimus et. Voluptas rem voluptas sint modi dolorem amet.’

Keyword arguments: :param max_nb_chars: Maximum number of characters the text should contain (minimum 5) :param ext_word_list: a list of words you would like to have instead of ‘Lorem ipsum’.

:rtype str

texts(nb_texts=3, max_nb_chars=200, ext_word_list=None)

Generate an array of texts :example [text1, text2, text3] :param nb_texts: How many texts to return :param max_nb_chars: Maximum number of characters the text should contain (minimum 5) :param ext_word_list: a list of words you would like to have instead of ‘Lorem ipsum’.

Return type:list
Returns:A random word, eg: ‘lorem’
Parameters:ext_word_list – a list of words you would like to have instead of ‘Lorem ipsum’
Return type:str
words(nb=3, ext_word_list=None, unique=False)
Returns:An array of random words. for example: [‘Lorem’, ‘ipsum’, ‘dolor’]

Keyword arguments: :param nb: how many words to return :param ext_word_list: a list of words you would like to have instead of

‘Lorem ipsum’
Parameters:unique – If True, the returned word list will contain unique words
Return type:list