
class faker.providers.profile.Provider(generator)

Bases: faker.providers.BaseProvider

This provider is a collection of functions to generate personal profiles and identities.

profile(fields=None, sex=None)

Generates a complete profile. If “fields” is not empty, only the fields in the list will be returned

>>> Faker.seed(0)
>>> for _ in range(5):
...     fake.profile()
{'job': 'Secretary/administrator', 'company': 'Fisher, Green and Dixon', 'ssn': '415-39-7809', 'residence': '24219 Archer Mountain Suite 924\nNorth Melissaborough, LA 41945', 'current_location': (Decimal('73.9837235'), Decimal('163.824695')), 'blood_group': 'O-', 'website': ['http://sellers.com/', 'https://garrett.com/', 'https://stark.net/', 'http://kaiser.org/'], 'username': 'sandraharris', 'name': 'Doris Martinez', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '19659 Ivan Stravenue Apt. 471\nLake Nancyside, VT 71358', 'mail': 'mary84@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1936, 4, 13)}
{'job': 'Senior tax professional/tax inspector', 'company': 'Lawrence, Herring and Riley', 'ssn': '462-64-5856', 'residence': '5330 Wilson Fields Suite 560\nEast Heiditown, VA 70519', 'current_location': (Decimal('71.6439095'), Decimal('-140.273217')), 'blood_group': 'A+', 'website': ['https://wood-hooper.com/', 'http://martinez.net/'], 'username': 'jeffreylucas', 'name': 'Jeffery Garcia', 'sex': 'M', 'address': '0916 Michael Row\nSellersville, WI 08109', 'mail': 'imoore@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1920, 3, 8)}
{'job': 'Microbiologist', 'company': 'Thompson-Ruiz', 'ssn': '420-73-8333', 'residence': 'PSC 5642, Box 8071\nAPO AA 06490', 'current_location': (Decimal('56.1146525'), Decimal('-29.201998')), 'blood_group': 'A-', 'website': ['http://www.arroyo-schultz.biz/', 'https://www.curtis-smith.com/', 'http://www.gray-hutchinson.com/', 'http://www.barnes.com/'], 'username': 'karla07', 'name': 'Kelsey Freeman', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '63812 Morales Ranch Apt. 300\nLowestad, NM 26520', 'mail': 'yramirez@gmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1958, 3, 22)}
{'job': "Nurse, children's", 'company': 'Sloan PLC', 'ssn': '119-33-2186', 'residence': '1240 Jamie Forks Apt. 590\nAlistad, NY 60619', 'current_location': (Decimal('81.8365955'), Decimal('53.775403')), 'blood_group': 'B+', 'website': ['http://hernandez.info/', 'https://www.williams-martin.org/'], 'username': 'johnwilliams', 'name': 'Kimberly Carter', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '65461 Regina Mall Suite 517\nSouth Benjaminborough, DE 22331', 'mail': 'nicholas11@hotmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1931, 3, 9)}
{'job': 'Psychotherapist', 'company': 'Smith LLC', 'ssn': '532-38-7349', 'residence': 'PSC 9361, Box 5349\nAPO AP 57022', 'current_location': (Decimal('-38.4751525'), Decimal('12.479165')), 'blood_group': 'A+', 'website': ['https://www.wilson.com/'], 'username': 'amyhernandez', 'name': 'Charles Gonzalez', 'sex': 'M', 'address': 'Unit 7296 Box 6875\nDPO AP 65859', 'mail': 'nancy89@hotmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1905, 7, 21)}

Generates a basic profile with personal informations

>>> Faker.seed(0)
>>> for _ in range(5):
...     fake.simple_profile()
{'username': 'richard47', 'name': 'Jason Green', 'sex': 'M', 'address': '24219 Archer Mountain Suite 924\nNorth Melissaborough, LA 41945', 'mail': 'robin87@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1975, 3, 10)}
{'username': 'raymond09', 'name': 'Kimberly Smith', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '51393 Tammy Squares Apt. 158\nBurnsburgh, CT 44115', 'mail': 'yfernandez@yahoo.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1984, 3, 16)}
{'username': 'whitelori', 'name': 'Rebecca Stewart', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '11220 Villanueva Valleys Suite 684\nJoeberg, TN 55475', 'mail': 'shannon51@gmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1919, 12, 7)}
{'username': 'dave35', 'name': 'Sarah Sanchez', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '123 Audrey Union\nErintown, NJ 75992', 'mail': 'davismartha@gmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1986, 8, 22)}
{'username': 'bgiles', 'name': 'Mrs. Becky Clark', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '31456 William Bypass\nPort Jamesborough, TN 75181', 'mail': 'chamberstammy@gmail.com', 'birthdate': datetime.date(1996, 4, 6)}